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Cognitive function after the initiation of adjuvant endocrine therapy in early-stage breast cancer: an observational cohort study.. J Clin Oncol. 32(31):3559-67.
2014. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in rheumatoid arthritis patients.. Behav Sleep Med. 12(1):1-12.
2014. Decrease in daytime sleeping is associated with improvement in cognition after hospital discharge in older adults.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 62(1):47-53.
2014. Divergent gene expression responses to complicated grief and non-complicated grief.. Brain Behav Immun. 37:78-83.
2014. Effect of depression on diagnosis, treatment, and mortality of men with clinically localized prostate cancer.. J Clin Oncol. 32(23):2471-8.
2014. Harnessing benefits of helping others: a randomized controlled trial testing expressive helping to address survivorship problems after hematopoietic stem cell transplant.. Health Psychol. 33(12):1541-51.
2014. Low heart rate variability and cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 45:58-66.
2014. Mindfulness-based intervention for prodromal sleep disturbances in older adults: design and methodology of a randomized controlled trial.. Contemp Clin Trials. 39(1):22-7.
2014. Modeling intention to participate in face-to-face and online lung cancer support groups.. Psychooncology. 23(5):555-61.
2014. Neighborhood characteristics and leukocyte telomere length: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.. Health Place. 28:167-72.
2014. Persistent depressive symptoms and pain after cardiac surgery.. Psychosom Med. 76(6):437-44.
2014. Tai chi, cellular inflammation, and transcriptome dynamics in breast cancer survivors with insomnia: a randomized controlled trial.. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2014(50):295-301.
2014. Tai chi meditation effects on nuclear factor-κB signaling in lonely older adults: a randomized controlled trial.. Psychother Psychosom. 83(5):315-7.
2014. The association between pro-inflammatory cytokines, regional cerebral metabolism, and cognitive complaints following adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.. Brain Imaging Behav. 7(4):511-23.
2013. Cancer patient and survivor research from the cancer information service research consortium: a preview of three large randomized trials and initial lessons learned.. J Health Commun. 18(5):543-62.
2013. Cancer-related masculine threat, emotional approach coping, and physical functioning following treatment for prostate cancer.. Health Psychol. 32(1):66-74.
2013. Catecholamine predictors of complicated grief treatment outcomes.. Int J Psychophysiol. 88(3):349-52.
2013. Chronic moderate sleep restriction in older long sleepers and older average duration sleepers: a randomized controlled trial.. Contemp Clin Trials. 36(1):175-86.
2013. Cortisol and inflammatory processes in ovarian cancer patients following primary treatment: relationships with depression, fatigue, and disability.. Brain Behav Immun. 30 Suppl:S126-34.
2013. Cytokine genetic variations and fatigue among patients with breast cancer.. J Clin Oncol. 31(13):1656-61.
2013. Feasibility and acceptability of a Tai Chi Chih randomized controlled trial in senior female cancer survivors.. Integr Cancer Ther. 12(6):464-74.
2013. Inflammatory biomarkers and emotional approach coping in men with prostate cancer.. Brain Behav Immun. 32:173-9.
2013. Low social support is associated with shorter leukocyte telomere length in late life: multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis.. Psychosom Med. 75(2):171-7.
2013. Non-cancer life stressors contribute to impaired quality of life in ovarian cancer patients.. Gynecol Oncol. 131(3):667-73.
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