Stress, Trauma and Resilience Seminar


This course offers training focused on Trauma and Resilience through didactic presentations to increase knowledge of trauma-informed family-based care with direct clinical application.  Topics include:  Military Trauma, Trauma Assessment, Pediatric Medical Trauma, Mechanisms of Resilience as well as Child-Parent Psychotherapy, Psychological First Aid and Trauma and Attachment.  Emphasis is placed on evaluation, treatment, and clinical decision making in family-centerd care and its application to clinical practice when dealing with family trauma. 

to make more informed assessments of traumatic stress in family-centered treatment with early identification and awareness of environmental stressors;
to recognize mechanisms of resilience and create a more effective treatment plan for families who are victims of trauma;
to make more informed clinical decisions in family-based care by recognizing attachment issues, awareness of medical trauma and stress in the family dynamic;
to develop parenting strategies, play skills and emotional regulation in families
External Instructor(s): 
 William Saltzman
Dates and Availability
 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Planned Days: 
Planned Terms: 
 Spring, Fall, Winter

Semel Institute/NPI, Room: A8-221

Course Code: 
Catherine Mogil Ph.D., Patricia Lester M.D., Norweeta Milburn Ph.D., Blair Paley Ph.D., William Saltzman

Last updated: May 13, 2016 - 18:25