Max Gray CHAMP Blog

Here you will find questions asked by the public or general articles of interest on mood disorders in children and adolescents

September 26, 2011
A reader asked:

Do you know of any structured groups for children with bipolar disorder in the Los Angeles area?

Dr. Dave:

There aren't many, I'm afraid. Look at the website for the Depressive and Bipolar Support Alliance ( or the National Alliance on Mental Illness ( You can also search the site for support group listings. Consider groups that focus on broader topics (for example...

May 16, 2011
A reader asked:

What is the best method for distinguishing a non-extreme case of bipolar disorder from ADHD? My 12 year old daughter is diagnosed as ADHD, and is on Adderall which is somewhat helpfull. We have a maternal family history of bipolar II (mom) and I (grandmom). My daughter is displaying some bipolar symptoms, but nothing extreme. Our phsychiatrist is considering bipolar in addition to or instead of ADHD. He is considering adding Lamictal to Adderal or...
